Antiviral testing laboratory for crucial tests.


This test is certainly done for the evaluation of potential antiviral compounds. The antiviral activity of the particle is measured on the ability of the virus that is evaluated. This test consists of eight dilutions, and the effective antiviral concentration is determined by expert analysis. The toxic level of the compound is determined in a parallel method. An abbreviation test is done with four dilutions of compounds which may be employed in a large number of compounds in some minutes. 

Types of viruses that are tested in this antiviral lab

Antiviral lab tests are done on SARS-Cov2, Betacoronavirus OC-43, Human Coronavirus 229E and the influenza strains like H1N1 and H3N2. Now let us discuss these viruses. SARS-Cov2 is a severe acute respiratory syndrome for coronavirus 2, and it was named on 11 February 2020. 

The officials chose the name for this virus because the virus is related to the coronavirus outbreak of 2003. Human Coronavirus is associated with human body infection, and it is little related to molecular epidemiology and evolution. The antiviral testing laboratory helps identify the virus and prepare vaccines to prevent the disease. 

Coronaviruses cause infection in many animals, which creates problems in respiratory, hepatic, and neurological diseases. Due to these issues, human beings and animals suffer a lot which causes death sometimes. 

Antiviral testing services

In the Antiviral testing laboratory, textile products are tested as well in the lab's wide range of products like face masks, bedding materials, boxing gloves, bags, threads, medical dresses, jackets, jeans, and some other products. Not only textile products but also Antiviral testing laboratories also research different materials like plastic, coating, Surface disinfectants, and some customer checking. 

In checking plastic, they check a wide range of plastics in which both single-use and durable products are tested. In this service, they check phone covers, automotive filters, paper-based packaging, etc. 

In the coating sector, the lab tests the coated products and applies some extra coating to the products for the final results. Testing of paints, sprays cans, durable coating for walls, doors, door handles, etc. Surface disinfectants like hand sanitizers, gels, surface disinfectants, textile organizers, etc., are tested. 

If any company wants custom testing, then they can apply for that. After having clearance or acceptance of the Antiviral testing laboratory, they can check their products. 

Antiviral Testing Methods 

There are three methods in which antiviral testing is done in the laboratory. These methods are described in the following:

ISO 18184

In this method, the international standard specifies the testing method that will determine the antiviral activity for testing textile products against the virus. If any kind of virus will be present in the particle, then it will be detected. 

ISO 21702

Measuring antiviral activity is done on plastic products and some other non-porous surfaces to ensure that it is perfect. 

EN 14476

Test for evaluating the virus activity of disinfectants products that will be used in medical areas. It is mandatory to do this testing before any product is going to be launch for medical purposes. 


Antiviral testing labs are used to test different types of materials and viruses as well. This testing lab is used to test the viruses like coronavirus and other dangerous viruses. Not just viruses, these labs are used to test plastic, paints, and other products as well.


Also read - Antimicrobial Extracts and their efficacy and accuracy in Real life.


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